Hi and happy Saturday, June 1st! We’re getting closer to summer and today the ranking of the best plugins of May is being released.
Hope you’re doing awesome!
Guess what? Our monthly video drop is here! As always, we’ve scoured the net to bring you the **Top 10 Plugins of May 2024**. This list is packed with the best free plugins you can grab right now. Check them out and level up your production game!
Top 10 Free Plugins of May 2024
Catch you in the comments section of the video!
Watch our latest video for all the details and get those plugins working in your next project. Your sound will thank you!
10. Prisma Multiband Distortion Plugin
4. Like a Virgin Virtual Instrument
2. Soundly Place It Speaker Emulation
1. VariSpeed Copicat IC400 Emulation
Don’t miss out on these killer tools!
Rock on,
[Endrin Hysa]
[In The Box Blog]
P.S. Got a favorite plugin from this list? Let us know which one and why!